Stand by Me by Sheila O'Flanagan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I thought I had read all of Sheila O'Flanagan's books but discovered this one when clearing book shelves in preparation for building work; maybe some kind holiday renter left it for me.
I thoroughly enjoyed it ..... starting with Dominique's teenage years, in Dublin, when she always felt second best and could not live up to her saintly brother who was his mother's pride and joy and destined to become a Catholic priest. The book follows Domin1que's life from disappointing her mother to becoming part of the Irish social scheme and leading the high life. But as mother would have it, pride comes before a fall, and disaster settles around Dominique and her family. How does Dominique cope? I won't spoil it for you ..... a very good book, all 590 pages of it.
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