The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen
My rating: 0 of 5 stars
I downloaded the Kindle version of this book in a hurry not having read the description properly. When I realised it is a fantasy novel, probably aimed at the teenage market, I nearly gave up on it. Then I thought, what the heck, I enjoyed the Harry Potter novels, why not perserve.
It drew me in, a fantasy that has eighteen year old Gemma, fostered out to unloving, unemotional "grand-parents" (shades of Harry Potter); suffering emotional withdrawal from which she is waking up, severe nightmares about yellow-eyed monsters who kill you with freezing air (again, shades of Harry Potter) and the ultimate nightmare of having her soul removed ( [a:Philip Pullman|3618|Philip Pullman|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1196023994p2/3618.jpg] - Dark Materials Trilogy; which I also loved).
Despite the similarities to other novels of this type the book has a good story line and ends inconclusively leaving you wanting more!
A quick read, enjoyable if you suspend disbelief and go with the flow
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