Deceptions by Laura Elliot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is my second Laura Elliot book. I read [b:Stolen Child|13564792|Stolen Child|Laura Elliot|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1362169284s/13564792.jpg|19142190]a little while ago and was completely absorbed. I could not put it down.
[b:Deceptions|16102382|Deceptions|Laura Elliot|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350923989s/16102382.jpg|21913075], for me, was a little slower to get into, but not for long. Once again I was absorbed in the finely drawn characters, their lives and, as the title suggests how their deceptions impacted across a range of families.
Without giving the plot away, I was uncomfortable at one point with the suggested actions of one of the main characters, and also suspicious that there was something here that did not meet the eye. The author deceiving the reader? As the book progressed it became clear that certain other characters were more involved.
Althrough the book, until the very end, one or two lines of the story keep you guessing.
As good as [b:Stolen Child|13564792|Stolen Child|Laura Elliot|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1362169284s/13564792.jpg|19142190]? Definitely, another "un-putdownable" book. This is one of those books that when you finish it you need time and space before starting on a new book. I am looking forward to reading The Prodigal Sister in the near future.
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