February is looming large, time to work out what I need to be doing and when, in February, in my Puglia Garden. It looks like there is going to be a lot of work in February.
Waxing Moon - 1st to 7th February (Full Moon 7th February) and 22nd to 29th February.
In the Vegetable Patch
Sow - in heated seed trays (between 1st and 7th) : basil, aubergine/eggplant, peppers, tomatoes.
- in pots in a heated greenhouse : courgettes, cucumbers, melons, water-melons
- in the garden, under glass or plastic : thyme, savory, lavender
- in the garden (between 22nd and 29th) : swiss chard, carrots, peas, parsley, radishes, mustard, agretto, rocket/arugala
Transplanting and Planting - (between 1st and 7th) : transplant into the open garden onions grown from seed
- in the garden, under glass or plastic (between 1st and 7th) : lettuce
In the Garden
Sow - In a heated greenhouse or in the house, in heated seed trays (12-18C) : begonia, carnation, snap-dragons, dahlias, petunia, purslane and other flowering annuals.
- in pots : violets and wallflowers
- in the garden : annual climbers, sweet peas, convolvulus
Transplanting and Planting - trees, shrubs, deciduous climbers, roses, hydrangeas and forsythia
Reproduction - take cuttings for rooting
- put up dahlia roots in the greenhouse
- divide and replant perennials
In the Orchard
Transplanting and Planting - if weather conditions permit, and the ground is not frozen, plant and transplant fruit trees and bushes.
Waning Moon 8th to 20th February (New Moon 21st February)
In the Vegetable Patch
Sow - in heated seed trays : celery,
- in the garden, under glass or plastic : lettuce, celery
- in the open garden : shallots, onions, lettuce, radicchio, spinach, valerian, swiss chard, cabbage
Transplanting and Planting - Plant out in the open : garlic, spring onions, shallots, jerusalem artichokes
Pruning - Thin out herbs to rejuvenate (sage, rosemary etc.)
Work - Prepare beds for the next sowing, transplanting of asparagus
- Carry out basic fertilisation
- Pinch out and mulch peas and broad beans sown in the autumn
- set out seed potatoes in a warm dry place for chitting (encouraging to sprout)
Green Fertiliziation - Sow new spinach, mustard cress
- Dig in the grown green manure crops
In the Garden
Pruning - Prune and trim trees that flowered in December and January
- Plant out deciduous woody shrubs
- Trim back existing deciduous woody shrubs, cutting off any dead or unnecessary branches
- Trim hedges and evergreens (once the cold weather has ended)
- Prune roses, poinsettias and hydrangeas
Work - Prepare and fertilise the ground
- Dig over areas intended for lawn and flower beds
- Check stored tubers
In the Orchard
Pruning - Prune pears, apple, quince trees and the stone fruits (peach, apricot, almond and plum)
- Thin out chestnut trees, trimming off suckers
- Prune soft fruits and grape vines
Grafting - Collect scions and cuttings from stone fruits before the first buds appear to be used for grafting when the trees become dormant. The cuttings should be put into plastic bags and stored in a cold place (in the fridge!)
Work - Prepare the ground for spring planting
- Prepare holes for new olive plantings
- Generally clean up and tidy the orchard
This months Harvest
From the Vegetable Patch : Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, Radicchio
In the greenhouse or heated beds : Radicchio, Rocket/Arugula, Parsley, Radishes, Valerian
What we actually have this month is loads of Cabbage, a few Cauliflowers left, carrots are ready now and still loads of lettuces Brussel sprout seeds went in much too late and we only have tiny plants at the moment, I'm leaving them for the moment - if they take long enough to grow maybe next winter. If they grow too quickly now they will be coming out as they will be producing in summer and will not form good sprouts. Peas and Broad Beans plants are strong and flowering now, ready for pinching out.