My route today took my north alongside the Puglia Adriatic coastline. Following the coastal path from home towards Torre San Genarro and then on the esplanade into Torre San Genarro, down into the tiny harbour, and out along the esplanade into and through Campo di Mare. I made it to the other side of Campo di Mari just where there is a track leading off along the coast. This is nearly as far as I was walking this time last year before a foot injury ended play. I'm happy that I'm catching up with myself at last.
My goal is to continue along the coastal path until I reach Cerano Beach Lido, if that is possible. It's an unexplored route so the jury is out. It appears to be 5.6km so a 11km round trip ..... it's a goal. Maybe an own goal. I've never understood the appeal of Cerano Beach Lido, it's a nice enough beach but it sits right under the elecricity power station!

Back home again and straight into the garden for a good two hour session, still trimming, cutting back, weeding and pruning. A few days efforts and the results are starting to show. From an overgrown wilderness it is now possible to walk almost the full length of the garden along the east side of the house. From the working area (compost bins, shed, washing line) through the shrub-filled gravel garden and onto the new (nearly completely grouted) patio. It's looking good.
14 days into the #janathon challenge and my energy levels are up .... feeling good, motivated, and believing I will actually complete this challenge. Tomorrow is the weigh in after two complete weeks, feeling hopeful.
#janathon stats so far
walking 43.96km
cycling 11.00km
squats 460
gardening 9.5 hours
#alchohol free in 2015 - 8 days (today is day 9 ... not tempting fate by counting it until after midnight!)
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