Monday, 5 January 2015

Janathon Day 5 : Get out of Jail free card

 Can I have a get out of jail free card? After an almost completely sleepless night brought about by banging and clattering on the roof all night long I'm really not feeling up to much. To add insult to injury the bad weather is back. We have another cold front, strong winds, lowish temperatures, black clouds this morning and the definite promise of rain this afternoon. I don't think it will snow, at least not in our location.

All of the above does not lead me towards exercising. I had thought to walk to Torchiarolo this morning, far too windy for cycling and I don't think my bruised bum has completely recovered from when I fell on it late October. That's a whole other story.

I've appeased my consience with 100 squats ........ so not a complete failure. Weather permitting, I will make that walk to Torchiarolo tomorrow morning. This is certainly turning into an exceptionally cold winter here in Puglia this year.

Wondering about the banging on the roof? I went up to investigate early this morning, nearly got blown off the roof the winds were so strong, and found that the lid from a small water tank had worked loose. Although the lid itself is quite small it is firmly attached to the pipework. The wind was blowing it around but being attached it could not escape. The banging and clattering was "enhanced" by travelling around the pipework through the house.